NISOD Campus Workshops x

Host a Campus Workshop

A college brings a workshop to their institution exclusively for their faculty, administrators, and staff. Campus Workshops allow colleagues to come together at a more localized level to share experiences, network, and learn from one another as they address issues and best practices that are specifically relevant to their institution. Campus Workshops create a more personal and engaging environment where each person is featured and expected to get involved.

Campus Workshop Details

  • Typically a one-day, single-topic workshop, although other arrangements can be made.
  • The college provides meeting space, Wi-Fi, and audiovisual equipment (projector, screen, and possibly microphone and speakers, depending on audience size).
  • The cost for each workshop is based on the host college’s student FTE. Workshop fees include the facilitator’s stipend and travel-related expenses.

Schedule a Campus Workshop

Please contact Sheryl Powell at or (512) 232-6998 for additional information or to arrange to have a workshop brought to your campus.

Student FTEMember
College Fee
College Fee
0 – 1,500$5,000$7,000
1,501 – 5,000$7,000$9,000
5,001 – 7,500$8,000$10,000
7,501 – 10,000$9,000$11,000

Available Workshops

5 Proven Strategies for Increasing Engagement and Retention in the Online ClassroomHudson, Marsha
Aligning Institutional Priorities and Creating Opportunities to Support Adjunct FacultyConway, Anna
Best Practices for Design, Delivery, and Student Success When Teaching Online CoursesMosser Knight, Elizabeth
Capture My Heart, Educate My SoulTolbert-Bynum Rivers, Pamela
Creative Teaching Strategies for Allied Health EducatorsDeck, Michele
Deeper STEM Learning Through Metacognitive ConversationsHogan, Nika
Emotional Intelligence, Self-Efficacy, Growth Mindset: Insights From Neuroscience to Empower Learners and Build EquityKatz III, David
Empowering Educators: Strategies for Creating Inclusive Environments and Student Success Across Diverse PopulationsMedilek, Eva
Engaged Academic Literacy for All With Reading ApprenticeshipHogan, Nika
Everyone Communicates, But Few Connect: Effectively Engaging Today’s LearnerRankine, Nicole
Faculty Chats: Collaboration and Idea Sharing for Student SuccessLandry, Ericka
First Steps to Adding Mobile Learning Options to CoursesMoore, Christina
Flipped Learning: Pathway to Student SuccessChristensen, Erik
Generations in the Classroom and Beyond the LMS: Free Digital Learning and Teaching Tools to Enhance Student EngagementGlassberg, Sean J.
How to Manage Student Behavior Without Really TryingGlassberg, Sean J.
Hybrid and Online Teaching 101: Best Practices and MoreGlassberg, Sean J.
Ignite, Inspire, and Innovate: Integrating Innovation Into Today’s College CoursesCardenas, Judith
Implementing Generative AI in Curriculum Design and Student Learning: A Hands-On WorkshopMousel, Tim
In Transition: Moving Courses (and Faculty) From the Traditional Face-to-Face Mode to Online, Blended, and HyFlex InstructionFreeman, Candice
Making Teaching Resilient, Flexible, and SustainableMoore, Christina
Offering Students Flexibility: How to Plan Your HyFlex ImplementationLong, Stephanie
Preparing for Difficult Classroom Conversations: Strategies for Expert and Novice FacilitatorsHerman, Jennifer
Reaching With Our Teaching: Creating an Inclusive Classroom That Incorporates High Schoolers Knight, C. Ryan; Mosser Knight, Elizabeth
Recognizing and Responding to Implicit Bias in the ClassroomDardello, Andrea
Relationships MatterAbascal, Juan; Brucato, Dominic
Secrets of Universal Design for Learning for Community and Technical CollegesTobin, Thomas
Teaching Critical ThinkingEigenauer, John
Teaching Critical Thinking and Rationality in Science and Math CoursesEigenauer, John
Teaching Critical Thinking in Humanities and Social Sciences CoursesEigenauer, John
Teaching Critical Thinking in Pre-Collegiate English CoursesEigenauer, John
Teaching With Your Mouth Shut: Keeping Students Active, Attentive, and Engaged!Landry, Ericka
Transforming Cell Phone Distractions Into Personalized Learning InteractionsWilliams, Marcus
Transforming the Learning Experience: Increasing Engagement, Critical Thinking, and Motivation in the Classroom With AI  Hudson, Marsha
Universal Design for Learning: Understand It, Design It, Live ItMosser Knight, Elizabeth
When Mindfulness Meets the ClassroomBiggerstaff, Chelsea