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Workshop Topic Detail

Deeper STEM Learning Through Metacognitive Conversations


What is the Relationship Among Literacy, Metacognition, and STEM Content Knowledge?  And What Can We Do About It?

Reading Apprenticeship is an instructional model which provides students with resources for approaching complex texts more confidently and strategically by engaging their instructors in a dynamic professional development process of making their thinking visible. This workshop will engage STEM participants in metacognitive conversations centered on complex disciplinary texts that defeat many students. By discovering and reflecting on their own ways of unlocking STEM graphs, charts, illustrations, and problems, and so forth, participants will experience ways the Reading Apprenticeship approach helps students master core concepts and helps instructors explicitly support academic literacy in their discipline.  The presenter will share artifacts of student work to demonstrate the efficacy of Reading Apprenticeship in STEM classrooms.

By the end of this workshop, participants know or be able to:

  • Demonstrate their own reading and problem-solving processes and identify the disciplinary roots of those strategies.
  • Connect the Reading Apprenticeship instructional framework to other methods for establishing inquiry-based problem solving and active learning in STEM contexts.
  • Experience and analyze the impact of several metacognitive routines in order to begin planning classroom applications.
  • Analyze students' reading, talking, and problem solving with a focus on equity and on building on students' strengths rather than deficits.

Plans for Audience Participation and Interaction:

Participate in text-based metacognitive routines, reflective pair and small group activities, a student video-case study, and classroom planning.


Facilitator Photo

Dr. Nika Hogan is Associate Professor of English at Pasadena City College (PCC), a coordinator for the California Community College Success Initiative (3CSN), and the Reading Apprenticeship College Coordinator for the Strategic Literacy Initiative at WestEd (SLI). She coordinated the Reading Apprenticeship Community College STEM Network, funded by the Helmsley Trust, from 2014-2017. Her work is focused on developing transformative inquiry-based learning opportunities that help educators and students reach their full potential. Nika has been involved in many learning communities through PCC’s Teaching and Learning Center and helped to develop the First-Year Pathways program, which was awarded the California Community College’s Chancellor’s Office Award for a Student Success Initiative. She has a B.A. in English and Women’s Studies from the University of Michigan and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Multiethnic U.S. Literatures from the University of Massachusetts.