27 May, 2019

Dr. Saundra Yancy McGuire Keynote


Dr. Saundra Yancy McGuire Keynote Metacognition: The Key to Equity and Excellence for All Students Download Presentation Download TSHTL and TYHTL Color Flyer 21st Century students come to college with widely varying academic skills and motivation levels. During this session, chemistry professor, learning strategist, and author Dr. Saundra Yancy McGuire [...]

Dr. Saundra Yancy McGuire Keynote2019-06-03T21:04:03-05:00
27 May, 2019

Dr. John O’Brien Keynote


Dr. John O’Brien Keynote The History of the Future of Educational Technology Reflecting on history and our tendency to ignore it in our forward-looking work, EDUCAUSE President and CEO John O’Brien invites us to consider the “history of the future” of higher education technology. He explores engaging “paleofuture” artifacts—for [...]

Dr. John O’Brien Keynote2019-06-03T20:34:11-05:00
1 Jun, 2016

Kai Kight – Keynote Video


Kai Kight, Classical Violinist and Innovative Composer Kai Kight uses music as a metaphor to inspire individuals and organizations across the world to compose paths of imagination and fulfillment. Inspired by his own mother who, when diagnosed with cancer, revealed regrets of not bringing her ideas to [...]

Kai Kight – Keynote Video2017-06-16T01:15:57-05:00
1 Jun, 2016

Dr. Gail O. Mellow – Keynote Video


Kai Kight, Classical Violinist and Innovative Composer Dr. Gail O. Mellow has served as President of LaGuardia Community College in Long Island City, Queens since 2000. A member of the City University of New York (CUNY) system, LaGuardia is a nationally recognized leader among community colleges [...]

Dr. Gail O. Mellow – Keynote Video2017-06-16T01:16:04-05:00
1 Jun, 2015

Student Retention Rates and Effective Student Engagement


Student Retention Rates and Effective Student Engagement Dr. Steve Perry, Education Contributor, CNN and MSNBC; Columnist, Essence Magazine; Best-Selling Author; and Host, Save My Son

Student Retention Rates and Effective Student Engagement2017-06-16T01:20:39-05:00