NISOD Student Essay Contest Banner


Deadline to Submit Extended to April 12, 2024

Before completing and submitting this form, please be sure that the names you are submitting have completed the approval process at your college. You will be asked to affirm that this has been complete prior to submitting the form.

Please enter complete and accurate information. Only 15 recipients can be submitted at one time. If you have more than 15 recipients, please complete and submit the form again.

Questions? Email our Membership Team at

Select your college

Excellence Awards contact information

This individual will be responsible for coordinating all aspects of the Excellence Awards process.

Enter your President/CEO contact information

Recipient information

Where should Excellence Awards medallions and certificates be mailed for anyone who does not receive them at the conference?

This individual should be the person who will be responsible for presenting the award to the recipient(s).

I affirm that our college's CEO (president/chancellor) has approved this submission.